It was as if a freight train had hit me. That's the only feeling I remember. Within a fraction of a second, I felt as if I couldn't breathe, could possibly pass out...or just die.
I was home, killing time upstairs in my room, like your typical teenager. My dad was also home, so it must've been a weekend. My name echoed from the bottom of the stairs, summoning me to the kitchen table. If only I knew then what I would soon come to know, I would've jumped out my bedroom window and never looked back. Caught completely off guard, like a lamb being led to slaughter, totally unaware of the shit storm ahead, I be-bopped down the staircase, as my mom gestured for me to take a seat, which I did voluntarily. Seemingly, out of nowhere, something flew from behind me - over the top of my head, practically grazing my skull. A dull thud diverted my attention as "it" plopped directly in front of me, landing on the kitchen table. Taking a few minutes to focus, I began to digest what I was seeing. I think my heart started pounding a few seconds before my brain told me what I saw.
"It" was my diary. MY f*#*ing diary! My PRIVATE diary! Blood rushed to my head, flushing it beet red, as perspiration instantly broke out from every pore, covering my young, adolescent body. I had never felt this level of fear before in my life - not even while giving an oral report in front of the class. My whole world passed before my eyes, and in a flash, I realized life as I knew it was about to change drastically. If there had ever been a better time to be stricken with a heart-attack and die, it would have been convenient then. I was not that lucky.
The first words spoken were my mother's. "What the hell is this?", she said sternly, in a low voice I hadn't heard before then. I felt the lump in my throat swell, blocking off my ability to speak. My mind was racing. What was I going to say? Desperation took over. In a lame attempt to get out of this tightening noose, I started to laugh. They looked at me as if I were insane, and frankly, at that moment, I truly believe I was. I opened my mouth and started to explain that this was not MY diary, but writings for a play I had been working on for school. It wasn't a true story, or even about me actually. I was abruptly cut off from my babbling web of deceit. Apparently, Peggy had had enough of my deceiving lies and wanted to know the truth. My immature mind raced as I searched my creative lobes for a more convincing route, but there was nothing more I could say. It was all right there in black-and-white, ratting me out like a two-faced friend. My beautiful writings of my incredible journey, my unbelievable love, sitting there on the family table right before my eyes...and theirs.
Funny, they didn't see it like that at all. The words in my diary held no beauty to them. Instead, my own words, the words that gave me so much comfort when I had no one else to talk to, had turned against me, backing me into a corner. A corner in hell!
All they saw was ugliness. The look on their faces told me right away that I was not winning over this crowd. I sat silently for what seemed like hours. My beautiful, perfect world was closing in around me, and there was nothing I could do. I felt as if I were sinking to the bottom of a pool with a concrete block tied to my ankle. The two people that had raised and nurtured me, who supposedly loved me, had suddenly turned on me. I was now their enemy in a matter of mere minutes. Do you know what that feels like? It feels like everything you ever trusted in your life was suddenly a lie, and always had been, you just happened to be the fool that didn't catch on soon enough. I felt abandoned, I felt stupid, I felt so alone - surrounded by my so-called-family.
And that's when my true, "official" introduction to hell would begin.
Continue the journey with me to discover my fate and the very important message many are taking away from this emotionally charged memoir. They laugh, they cry, they never forget my story...find YOUR meaning. Available on Smashwords and Amazon~Links above.
A Memoir by Lisa Vaughn
Lisa was conservatively raised in a Catholic family in no-where middle America, where excitement is scarce and dreams are for sleeping. Little did she know, at age thirteen, she would suddenly find herself on a totally different path.
Through an unlikely chance meeting of a fellow classmate, she's surprisingly mesmerized, almost consumed, to befriend a girl who is obviously from the other side of the tracks...the cool side. Lisa does whatever she has to just to be accepted into this small club of coolness. Little did she realize, she was signing up for a lot more than social status. The two best friends find themselves innocently taking their relationship to a foreign level neither had experienced or saw coming.
A rollercoaster ride littered with choices and challenges Lisa never fathomed facing, especially in no-where middle America. She will find out what she is made of as she faces the consequences and struggles that come along with going against the grain.
Throughout their six year relationship, you will witness a touching story of human nature at its best...and at its worst. Showing just how far the human spirit can be challenged and pushed to a point where your “fight or flight” instincts naturally kick in. Struggling just to survive in a world where you are not like everyone else, but at the same time you really are. The daily struggles - both internal and external - are exhausting, yet necessary in their quest for one simple human
Finally breaking through all constraints that hold them back, reaching levels of one-ness that few actually obtain in a lifetime with their partner...only to find once they've reached that special place, it's not quite the right fit...for one of them, at least.
This contemporary story, told in the voice of the teen that lived it, will lead the reader through highs and lows, giving insight to the everyday challenges of the socially unaccepted, which will no doubt leave them rooting for the underdog. A true story of human resilience and the power of love...plain and simple.
*Please be advised, this memoir is real, honest, and raw. If you're looking for your typical 'sterilized' read, I'm not your girl - but if you're looking for a read that is written from the heart, certain to impact you on a human level, follow me! Have I got a story for you!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
FridayFeelGood: 10 Things To LOVE About Winter
I know a lot of you count the days till your first snowfall...but not this chick. In fact, I loathe winter, fretting its arrival every year. Even though I live in a tropical climate (Florida) we still see a change in seasons as the northern winds whip down our coastline, and our humidity drops along with the temps - and it seems to be getting worse every year (environmental changes or me just getting older? Who's to say?)
So, as I attempt to catch some rays like a lizard on a rock, I thought up a few 'positives' about the season I loathe to keep me going (and sane) till Spring break arrives:
1. Colder Temps = 'Bulkier' Clothes!
Living in a beach community with 100% humidity means wearing little as possible most of the year, and sucking in your gut a lot! Winter, at least, gives me a chance to let out my breath fully as my flab falls where it may! Where's my sweats & yoga pants? Ahhhh comfort once again! Bye-bye bikini!
2. Hot Tubs & Fires!
Two of my fave things I look forward to - filling the hot tub and our first fire in the fireplace...yes, even in Florida! When the temps hit 70' or below, chances are you'll see us wimps scrambling to 'thaw out' by force of hot water or fire...I know, pathetic.
3. Whole New Wardrobe!
I'm sure everyone looks forward to switching out their summer clothes for a change of pace with long sleeves, fleece, and comfy slippers. I'm no exception - I love the feeling of long sleeves, jeans, and fun jackets...for about a month - then I'm over it.
4. More Grey Days!
The sun still shines, but we do experience more grey days, and sometimes I welcome these days as it gives me an excuse to be:
*be lazy all day *watch movies all day *read all day *eat all day - who doesn't love that?
5. Depression!
Now I know normally this isn't something most people would list as a 'good thing', but for a creative person sometimes it proves to be just that. When I get sad, down or depressed, my creative juices - and my need to express myself - are at their highest levels - so as a result, some of my best work comes from these dark depths when my pendulum swings to the extreme. (Oh, life as a wacky artist!!)
6. Exercise Excuse!
Don't get me wrong, I like to work out and do it almost every day - in fact, sometimes I should take a break, but I don't. Well colder weather is my perfect excuse to give me 'permission' to take the day off. Riding your bike with double layers of pants, shirt, jackets + gloves and hats seems a tad obsessed, even to me. (picture the kid from 'A Christmas Story' stuffed into his snow suit)
7. Eating Yummies I Normally Would Not!
Like I stated up above, I do take care of myself by working out and eating right...but, for some reason cold temps make it 'okay' to sneak in more junk food, especially around the holidays (even thought I don't even celebrate! ha) Maybe it's due to the fact I know my bulky clothes will cover more, leading me back to reason #1. I can always curb my feed bag habits in time for Spring and that intimidating bikini...eeeekkkk
8. Blankie Pile Up!
Nothing is cozier than a big inviting bed with layers of blankets and a big fat comforter waiting for you to dive underneath - kicking your feet wildly as you attempt to 'warm up' your side in a hurry. Oh, and by the way, partners with cold feet need to keep their distance till they remedy that situation - nothing pisses me off more than cold feet on my toasty body parts! Not funny or cute!
9. Hats Are In Fashion!
I'm a big hat wearer all year long - mainly to keep the sun from baking my face to resemble a raisin before it's time...but with winter's arrival, I get to model my fuzzy ski caps and fun warmer versions - perfect for bad hair days or just plain laziness. ha
10. Days Are Shorter - Bed Time Comes Faster!
Normally, in summer, I'm a night owl - staying up waaaay past my required sleep time - mainly because summertime is full of fun outdoor activities that keep me busy all day and into the night. Winter, however, is the opposite - and 'night' now comes at 5pm when darkness sets in and my jammies are on by 5:01pm! There have honestly been times I've looked at my husband and said, 'Is 7:30 too early to got to bed?' I wouldn't be embarrassed if say, I were 80! But I'm not, and it only makes me feel more tired, more old, and more depressed...and then, like clockwork, I ask that infamous question - 'How many days till Spring?'

So, as I attempt to catch some rays like a lizard on a rock, I thought up a few 'positives' about the season I loathe to keep me going (and sane) till Spring break arrives:
1. Colder Temps = 'Bulkier' Clothes!
Living in a beach community with 100% humidity means wearing little as possible most of the year, and sucking in your gut a lot! Winter, at least, gives me a chance to let out my breath fully as my flab falls where it may! Where's my sweats & yoga pants? Ahhhh comfort once again! Bye-bye bikini!
2. Hot Tubs & Fires!
Two of my fave things I look forward to - filling the hot tub and our first fire in the fireplace...yes, even in Florida! When the temps hit 70' or below, chances are you'll see us wimps scrambling to 'thaw out' by force of hot water or fire...I know, pathetic.
3. Whole New Wardrobe!
I'm sure everyone looks forward to switching out their summer clothes for a change of pace with long sleeves, fleece, and comfy slippers. I'm no exception - I love the feeling of long sleeves, jeans, and fun jackets...for about a month - then I'm over it.
4. More Grey Days!
The sun still shines, but we do experience more grey days, and sometimes I welcome these days as it gives me an excuse to be:
*be lazy all day *watch movies all day *read all day *eat all day - who doesn't love that?
5. Depression!
Now I know normally this isn't something most people would list as a 'good thing', but for a creative person sometimes it proves to be just that. When I get sad, down or depressed, my creative juices - and my need to express myself - are at their highest levels - so as a result, some of my best work comes from these dark depths when my pendulum swings to the extreme. (Oh, life as a wacky artist!!)
6. Exercise Excuse!
Don't get me wrong, I like to work out and do it almost every day - in fact, sometimes I should take a break, but I don't. Well colder weather is my perfect excuse to give me 'permission' to take the day off. Riding your bike with double layers of pants, shirt, jackets + gloves and hats seems a tad obsessed, even to me. (picture the kid from 'A Christmas Story' stuffed into his snow suit)
7. Eating Yummies I Normally Would Not!
Like I stated up above, I do take care of myself by working out and eating right...but, for some reason cold temps make it 'okay' to sneak in more junk food, especially around the holidays (even thought I don't even celebrate! ha) Maybe it's due to the fact I know my bulky clothes will cover more, leading me back to reason #1. I can always curb my feed bag habits in time for Spring and that intimidating bikini...eeeekkkk
8. Blankie Pile Up!
Nothing is cozier than a big inviting bed with layers of blankets and a big fat comforter waiting for you to dive underneath - kicking your feet wildly as you attempt to 'warm up' your side in a hurry. Oh, and by the way, partners with cold feet need to keep their distance till they remedy that situation - nothing pisses me off more than cold feet on my toasty body parts! Not funny or cute!
9. Hats Are In Fashion!
I'm a big hat wearer all year long - mainly to keep the sun from baking my face to resemble a raisin before it's time...but with winter's arrival, I get to model my fuzzy ski caps and fun warmer versions - perfect for bad hair days or just plain laziness. ha
10. Days Are Shorter - Bed Time Comes Faster!
Normally, in summer, I'm a night owl - staying up waaaay past my required sleep time - mainly because summertime is full of fun outdoor activities that keep me busy all day and into the night. Winter, however, is the opposite - and 'night' now comes at 5pm when darkness sets in and my jammies are on by 5:01pm! There have honestly been times I've looked at my husband and said, 'Is 7:30 too early to got to bed?' I wouldn't be embarrassed if say, I were 80! But I'm not, and it only makes me feel more tired, more old, and more depressed...and then, like clockwork, I ask that infamous question - 'How many days till Spring?'

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Xmas Marketing Machine - Is It Out Of Control? HoHoHo or NoNoNo?
So there I was, leisurely doing my shopping at Walmart this past weekend, minding my own business, when suddenly I heard IT. Taking a minute to notice - then to verify - yes indeedy, I WAS mindlessly listening to 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' blaring from the overhead system. Had I been in a coma? Lost a week or two somewhere? Nope, it was, in fact, only November 4th! I looked at my husband and we both shook our heads in disgust.
Then to make matters worse, the next evening while scrolling through our T.V. choices for the evening, what pops up? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! Again, I shouted out #$%&!?
Now I know a lot of you out there are more than overjoyed when Christmas rolls around, you simply love it, I get that - I'm the same about Halloween. But I don't recall seeing Halloween ads and scary movies in August! Has the 'marketing machine' gone a bit haywire over the years, or is it just me?
Remember, back in the day as kids - when the highlight of the day-after-Thanksgiving was watching the BEGINNING of the Christmas specials - Charlie Brown, The Grinch, Frosty...dreaming of the long month ahead, making our wish lists for Santa. I can't even fathom the hell kids go through now, waiting an agonizing two months for the arrival of the 'big day', as the media shoves it down their throats everywhere they look. No wonder kids are coo-coo crazy this time of year!
Yes, I am a tad bias, I know, as I don't 'do' Christmas any longer, but I would think for the people that do (and celebrate for the right reasons, not the commercialized reasons) this early shove-it-down-your-throat-earlier-and-earlier-every-year-approach would piss them off slightly, not to mention the pressure it puts on parents that are handed huge wish lists, while picturing their dwindling checking account balance. Just how DO they do it?
I have to admit, I am SO glad my son is grown, and I do not have to face that pressure any longer. I've long since detached from the crazy merry-go-round of guilt and debt in order to buy other's affection - and just in time too, as I fear the economy would of made that decision for me anyway.
So does this early marketing tactic work? It must to some degree, otherwise, why would they do it? I just think there should be some kind of limit on when we are forced to start humming along mindlessly to 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'...especially while shopping for our Halloween candy!
Even Charles Schultz made fun of the commercialized side of Christmas through his infamous holiday cartoons - and that was in the sixties! Can you imagine what he'd think today? I can almost hear him now, 'Oh GOOD GREIF...Give it a REST already!'
Then to make matters worse, the next evening while scrolling through our T.V. choices for the evening, what pops up? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas! Again, I shouted out #$%&!?
Now I know a lot of you out there are more than overjoyed when Christmas rolls around, you simply love it, I get that - I'm the same about Halloween. But I don't recall seeing Halloween ads and scary movies in August! Has the 'marketing machine' gone a bit haywire over the years, or is it just me?
Remember, back in the day as kids - when the highlight of the day-after-Thanksgiving was watching the BEGINNING of the Christmas specials - Charlie Brown, The Grinch, Frosty...dreaming of the long month ahead, making our wish lists for Santa. I can't even fathom the hell kids go through now, waiting an agonizing two months for the arrival of the 'big day', as the media shoves it down their throats everywhere they look. No wonder kids are coo-coo crazy this time of year!
Yes, I am a tad bias, I know, as I don't 'do' Christmas any longer, but I would think for the people that do (and celebrate for the right reasons, not the commercialized reasons) this early shove-it-down-your-throat-earlier-and-earlier-every-year-approach would piss them off slightly, not to mention the pressure it puts on parents that are handed huge wish lists, while picturing their dwindling checking account balance. Just how DO they do it?
I have to admit, I am SO glad my son is grown, and I do not have to face that pressure any longer. I've long since detached from the crazy merry-go-round of guilt and debt in order to buy other's affection - and just in time too, as I fear the economy would of made that decision for me anyway.
So does this early marketing tactic work? It must to some degree, otherwise, why would they do it? I just think there should be some kind of limit on when we are forced to start humming along mindlessly to 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'...especially while shopping for our Halloween candy!
Even Charles Schultz made fun of the commercialized side of Christmas through his infamous holiday cartoons - and that was in the sixties! Can you imagine what he'd think today? I can almost hear him now, 'Oh GOOD GREIF...Give it a REST already!'
Monday, November 7, 2011
MondayMindset Of A Hippie-Chick: With A Lil Help From My Friends...
Happy Monday all! If you've been here before, chances are you might of caught me ranting about the world going koo-koo or perhaps some kind of negative poo-poo post about society in general...well today I am putting 'Negative Nancy' to bed and focusing on the good in my life, after all, that is what I'm all about at my core - it's just been a bad year...we'll leave it at that.
Actually in the midst of my wallowing, I was suddenly brought back to the 'lighter side' of life, taking note of the GOODness in people - through my social networking contacts, of all things! Those fantastic people out there that don't know me from Adam really, made me realize not everyone is out to take me for everything I'm worth (or not) - some are genuinely just nice people - YES they DO still exist! And I have proof!
My twitter friends are a huge part of this realization - Facebook too. I've slowly been building a sturdy foundation of fabulous authors, artist, fans, and just great people in general, that all help to promote and support my work through whatever means they can. It truly warms my heart to think total strangers are more than willing to pass along word of your book to their friends and contacts, and in turn, that gracious effort mushrooms out to numbers I cannot even fathom. How cool is that? And nothing makes me feel better than to reciprocate - promoting their work as well. It truly is a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' kind of world in there. Not only has it brought attention to readers that otherwise never would of heard the likes of me, it has shown me a softer side of this hardening world we live in - giving me hope to keep trudging along...wherever it may lead me - who knows? But I do know along the way I've 'met' some awesome people that give me a reason to believe in myself once again, even on days when my tank is running a little low on confidence, they seem to pick up the slack for me, refueling my energy for the fight.
And for that, I am truly grateful and know I couldn't - or wouldn't - be where I am today if not for them.
So to all my twitter followers and facebook friends that I hang out with on a daily basis, I'd like to send out a great big SHOUT OUT and Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for helping me through this journey we call life - and for promoting my memoir and me, as a person - You are ALL awesome!
And here's an example of that awesomeness! Amelia James (@trashywriter) graciously sought me out for a one-on-one interview on her very 'adult' blog - so if you'd like to see another side of me through the unique questions of our lovely Amelia and her fun 'outside-the-box' questions (that I had a blast answering) please click here and tell us what you think!
(Please note: link will be open after 8am EST on Monday ~ And again, it is an 'adult only' site)
Thanks for stopping by! Follow me @thegiftedones - I'd love to have another fab friend to help out! :)
Actually in the midst of my wallowing, I was suddenly brought back to the 'lighter side' of life, taking note of the GOODness in people - through my social networking contacts, of all things! Those fantastic people out there that don't know me from Adam really, made me realize not everyone is out to take me for everything I'm worth (or not) - some are genuinely just nice people - YES they DO still exist! And I have proof!
My twitter friends are a huge part of this realization - Facebook too. I've slowly been building a sturdy foundation of fabulous authors, artist, fans, and just great people in general, that all help to promote and support my work through whatever means they can. It truly warms my heart to think total strangers are more than willing to pass along word of your book to their friends and contacts, and in turn, that gracious effort mushrooms out to numbers I cannot even fathom. How cool is that? And nothing makes me feel better than to reciprocate - promoting their work as well. It truly is a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' kind of world in there. Not only has it brought attention to readers that otherwise never would of heard the likes of me, it has shown me a softer side of this hardening world we live in - giving me hope to keep trudging along...wherever it may lead me - who knows? But I do know along the way I've 'met' some awesome people that give me a reason to believe in myself once again, even on days when my tank is running a little low on confidence, they seem to pick up the slack for me, refueling my energy for the fight.
And for that, I am truly grateful and know I couldn't - or wouldn't - be where I am today if not for them.
So to all my twitter followers and facebook friends that I hang out with on a daily basis, I'd like to send out a great big SHOUT OUT and Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for helping me through this journey we call life - and for promoting my memoir and me, as a person - You are ALL awesome!
And here's an example of that awesomeness! Amelia James (@trashywriter) graciously sought me out for a one-on-one interview on her very 'adult' blog - so if you'd like to see another side of me through the unique questions of our lovely Amelia and her fun 'outside-the-box' questions (that I had a blast answering) please click here and tell us what you think!
(Please note: link will be open after 8am EST on Monday ~ And again, it is an 'adult only' site)
Thanks for stopping by! Follow me @thegiftedones - I'd love to have another fab friend to help out! :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
You're NOT Dreaming! It IS SixSentenceSunday! Quick Six From The Gifted Ones
Six Sentences(& 1/2) from Chapter 22: Curtains
Attempting to get me back on track and thinking in a positive light, he wrote three words on an erasable board we kept tacked to the outside of a kitchen cabinet. It read: “WE SHALL OVERCOME”. Three straightforward words. They were just simple words at first, that I would glance at in passing. But over time, they took on significant meaning. Slowly they became my source of strength and motivation on a daily basis. I repeated the phrase every time I passed by, especially before I headed out the back door, out into the world. WE SHALL OVERCOME became my mantra.
Thank you for visiting - To find out exactly what I was 'overcoming' please discover my memoir at the links above ~ Print & Ebooks available.
Now go curl up with a good book and enjoy your Sunday!
Attempting to get me back on track and thinking in a positive light, he wrote three words on an erasable board we kept tacked to the outside of a kitchen cabinet. It read: “WE SHALL OVERCOME”. Three straightforward words. They were just simple words at first, that I would glance at in passing. But over time, they took on significant meaning. Slowly they became my source of strength and motivation on a daily basis. I repeated the phrase every time I passed by, especially before I headed out the back door, out into the world. WE SHALL OVERCOME became my mantra.
Thank you for visiting - To find out exactly what I was 'overcoming' please discover my memoir at the links above ~ Print & Ebooks available.
Now go curl up with a good book and enjoy your Sunday!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Get Your SaturdaySample HOT Off The Griddle! A Bite From 'The Gifted Ones'
Excerpt From Chapter 22: Curtains
That night I went to a place so dark, very reminiscent of the night my mother ripped Selina's army jacket from my back. And here I was again, alone. My fate unknown. How ironic. One horrific incident caused by my parent's ignorance - forcing me to defend the love of my life - and the most recent incident, caused by the love I had defended. If that doesn't f*%# with your head, I don't know what would.
Every time I closed my eyes to escape my hell, snippets of our lives together would flash through my mind, like a movie trailer. Starting from the day I first laid eyes on her - all the way through our adolescence, and beyond. We had literally taken on the world - just the two of us. And we had won! Against all odds, we had actually won. How sad to let all that effort go. Our special bond, our gift that separated us from the rest of the world, all those years - now useless. We had somehow become just like the rest of the herd. How did that happen? Was it inevitable? I refused to believe that. We were NOT like everyone else! Had the time we spent in THEIR world finally wore us down? Or were we just human, plain and simple? I needed something to blame, something to hate. So many unanswered questions clogged my mind, but not a lot of answers. I reminded myself to continue breathing.
Thanks for stopping by...if you want to find out if I continued breathing or not, check out my memoir at the links above - Print is on sale for $9.89 (Amazon) & Ebooks are only $.99 for a limited time.
Make it a great weekend folks!
That night I went to a place so dark, very reminiscent of the night my mother ripped Selina's army jacket from my back. And here I was again, alone. My fate unknown. How ironic. One horrific incident caused by my parent's ignorance - forcing me to defend the love of my life - and the most recent incident, caused by the love I had defended. If that doesn't f*%# with your head, I don't know what would.
Every time I closed my eyes to escape my hell, snippets of our lives together would flash through my mind, like a movie trailer. Starting from the day I first laid eyes on her - all the way through our adolescence, and beyond. We had literally taken on the world - just the two of us. And we had won! Against all odds, we had actually won. How sad to let all that effort go. Our special bond, our gift that separated us from the rest of the world, all those years - now useless. We had somehow become just like the rest of the herd. How did that happen? Was it inevitable? I refused to believe that. We were NOT like everyone else! Had the time we spent in THEIR world finally wore us down? Or were we just human, plain and simple? I needed something to blame, something to hate. So many unanswered questions clogged my mind, but not a lot of answers. I reminded myself to continue breathing.
Thanks for stopping by...if you want to find out if I continued breathing or not, check out my memoir at the links above - Print is on sale for $9.89 (Amazon) & Ebooks are only $.99 for a limited time.
Make it a great weekend folks!
Friday, November 4, 2011
FridayFeelGood: 10 Reasons To Love Twitter Friends Over 'Real' Ones
Top 10 Reasons I Love My Twitter Friends Over 'Real' Ones!
1. YOU get to pick how your new friends see you!
Want to be a cartoon character? A symbol (like Prince), a busty blonde, or just a
glamorized enhancement of your true self? It's all possible through the avatar you
pick - suddenly your wildest dreams CAN come true! NO surgery required!!
2. YOU choose when to engage...and when you don't!
No more interrupting phone calls when you least feel like talking to a YOU
get to choose when you are 'open' for conversation - and when you are 'closed'.
And you can bet if you are having one of those 'insomniac nights' there's always
someone to help pass the hours till the rest of the world comes to life. Like Vegas,
Twitter is open 24/7!
3. No out-of-the-blue drop ins!
Just sat down to a good movie or book? Or just stepped into the shower - when you hear
a car door slam and then...DING DONG...friends are a calling! (As you scramble to hide
last night's dinner plate under your couch and catch a quick glance in the mirror to
discover, yes you DO look like crap today)
4. Come as you are!
I think THIS is one of the best reasons of all! Literally you can be in your holey
sweats, stained shirt, with a zit face-mask on, hair slicked back in a very
unflattering way, and STILL carry on a conversation as you normally would had you been
dressed to the hilt, looking fabulous! Honesly, what can be better than THAT?
5. Bad moods don't exist!
Even if you are in a bad mood, you can easily fake a positive attitude for 160
characters! And no ones the wiser! (You can save your bitchiness for your own
family! Yay)
6. SO easy to please!
You can make someones day simply by retweeting their post or promo! A couple clicks
and you are rewarded with virtual hugs, kisses, praises, and feel-goods! OR you could
slave all day cleaning the house, making a fab dinner, or going out of your way for
someone - however you attempt to please - only to be ignored or get a weak 'oh
7. NO travel needed!
Hell, you don't even have to leave your couch to engage in the most interesting '160
character' conversations! Think of all the gas money you'll save!
8. CHEAP friendships!
Twitter friends never want to have a 'girls night out' or explore a fancy new
restaurant that's a tad out of your budget...or go on an insane shopping spree
that only puts you further into the black hole of debt - nope, twitter friends are
FREE! Never costs you a dime to hang with virtual buds.
9. Need support or reassurance?
Get all the benefits of a supporting friendship without the drama! If you are feeling
down, doubtful, or going through a rough patch, you can just give a shout out (160 of
em) and an army of support is on your screen, without the messy deets or hours of
hashing out every single 'he said, she said' - Support in the express lane! In no time
you feel better and you forgot why you were such a Debbie-Downer in the first place.
10. IF you don't like the attitude, just unfollow!
I saved the best for last! Got a whiny butt or a troublemaker on your timeline? No
problem! Click...Unfollow! *Poof* High maintenance friend gone!
Now, if only it were that easy in real life!
And 'they' wonder why we spend so much time online in twitterland...duh, with friends like these, how could you not?
Have a Fab Friday ~ I'll see ya on the timeline @thegiftedones!
Thanks for stopping by! #grateful
1. YOU get to pick how your new friends see you!
Want to be a cartoon character? A symbol (like Prince), a busty blonde, or just a
glamorized enhancement of your true self? It's all possible through the avatar you
pick - suddenly your wildest dreams CAN come true! NO surgery required!!
2. YOU choose when to engage...and when you don't!
No more interrupting phone calls when you least feel like talking to a YOU
get to choose when you are 'open' for conversation - and when you are 'closed'.
And you can bet if you are having one of those 'insomniac nights' there's always
someone to help pass the hours till the rest of the world comes to life. Like Vegas,
Twitter is open 24/7!
3. No out-of-the-blue drop ins!
Just sat down to a good movie or book? Or just stepped into the shower - when you hear
a car door slam and then...DING DONG...friends are a calling! (As you scramble to hide
last night's dinner plate under your couch and catch a quick glance in the mirror to
discover, yes you DO look like crap today)
4. Come as you are!
I think THIS is one of the best reasons of all! Literally you can be in your holey
sweats, stained shirt, with a zit face-mask on, hair slicked back in a very
unflattering way, and STILL carry on a conversation as you normally would had you been
dressed to the hilt, looking fabulous! Honesly, what can be better than THAT?
5. Bad moods don't exist!
Even if you are in a bad mood, you can easily fake a positive attitude for 160
characters! And no ones the wiser! (You can save your bitchiness for your own
family! Yay)
6. SO easy to please!
You can make someones day simply by retweeting their post or promo! A couple clicks
and you are rewarded with virtual hugs, kisses, praises, and feel-goods! OR you could
slave all day cleaning the house, making a fab dinner, or going out of your way for
someone - however you attempt to please - only to be ignored or get a weak 'oh
7. NO travel needed!
Hell, you don't even have to leave your couch to engage in the most interesting '160
character' conversations! Think of all the gas money you'll save!
8. CHEAP friendships!
Twitter friends never want to have a 'girls night out' or explore a fancy new
restaurant that's a tad out of your budget...or go on an insane shopping spree
that only puts you further into the black hole of debt - nope, twitter friends are
FREE! Never costs you a dime to hang with virtual buds.
9. Need support or reassurance?
Get all the benefits of a supporting friendship without the drama! If you are feeling
down, doubtful, or going through a rough patch, you can just give a shout out (160 of
em) and an army of support is on your screen, without the messy deets or hours of
hashing out every single 'he said, she said' - Support in the express lane! In no time
you feel better and you forgot why you were such a Debbie-Downer in the first place.
10. IF you don't like the attitude, just unfollow!
I saved the best for last! Got a whiny butt or a troublemaker on your timeline? No
problem! Click...Unfollow! *Poof* High maintenance friend gone!
Now, if only it were that easy in real life!
And 'they' wonder why we spend so much time online in twitterland...duh, with friends like these, how could you not?
Have a Fab Friday ~ I'll see ya on the timeline @thegiftedones!
Thanks for stopping by! #grateful
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Think Outside The Box~Get Your Indie On! Links to find undiscovered reads!
Being a long time lover of indie reads and movies, plus an indie author/artist myself, I'd like to share a few links you might not know about. Browse hundreds of authors in all genres for your next fave read! But before you rush off, be sure to check out my memoir, 'The Gifted Ones' ~ if it sounds like your kind of read, please see purchase links for Amazon or Smashwords. And always, thank you for supporting indie authors...without them, the world would be quite a vanilla place!
Independent Authors Network: Book Directory
Celebrating Authors Facebook Group - Open to readers to browse posts made by authors
Goodreads - search for books and read reviews
Kindle Mojo - hundreds of kindle books by genre
Indie Snippets - A fun site to view little samples from your next indie read
Independent Authors Network: Book Directory
Celebrating Authors Facebook Group - Open to readers to browse posts made by authors
Goodreads - search for books and read reviews
Kindle Mojo - hundreds of kindle books by genre
Indie Snippets - A fun site to view little samples from your next indie read
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Has The World Truly Gone Mad?
You know, normally I'm a 'glass half full' kinda gal, but lately, I swear this world in which we live has been pushing me, and I feel my glass slowly tipping!
And apparently, I'm not the only one.
My family, friends - even people I chat with on twitter and facebook - are experiencing the same BS it seems. I know times are tough, believe me - my husband has been unemployed for over a year from construction - but really people, how far is this craziness going to go? Has this world gone mad? Do people, like cows, simply GO mad?
What craziness do I speak of, you ask?
Seems in just this year alone I have personally experienced and/or witnessed many negative human actions: theft and vandalism, people taking advantage of me - or my family - clearly for monetary reasons, lying, cheating, kick em while their down attitudes...just plain old disregard for fellow human beings with a 'take-all-you-can-get-regardless-of-who-you-hurt-in-the-process' approach. Where did basic conscience go? Does no one feel guilt anymore? Has everyone lost morals and scruples simply because times are tough and the economy is in the toilet? Apparently some have.
Frankly I'm so sick of this behavior I'm on the verge of liquidating my life as I know it and going into seclusion from society - living in the wilderness like a crazy mountain woman or something! (And I think I truly would IF I could still get internet access - as I can still deal with virtual people! ha)
What IS going on?
I know life ebbs and flows - and I've pretty much been flowing nicely since I simplified my life, living it authentically - and all would be peachy if I could stay within my cocoon of pureness that I've created - but alas, that is only a fantasy, as it seems society and I DO have to cross paths on occasion, and that usually means someone dragging me into unwanted drama of some sort - there is only so much of life you can control, I realize, and I do my best to keep drama and negativity out of my world, but boy, is it getting harder and harder!
Seems the 'good guy' truly does finish last in this day and age. My only recourse is to continue believing in karma, and that what goes around comes around...I surely hope it does...I HAVE to believe it does, or it would be almost impossible to face some recent days.
You know, I used to balk at blogs, not understanding who would want to write one or read others - and look at me now. Freedom of speech IS a beautiful thing, isn't it? At least we still have THAT! (for now anyways) An awesome way to connect and to vent. Thank you for allowing me to spew my emotions - if I couldn't I just might explode! I promise the clouds will lift eventually and I won't be such a 'Debbie-Downer', but for now I have to go with what I live and what I know...
Ok, back to the fight! I will not give up, I will NOT give up - good guys HAVE to win in the end! We just have to.
Again, thank you for stopping by and bending an ear! :)
And apparently, I'm not the only one.
My family, friends - even people I chat with on twitter and facebook - are experiencing the same BS it seems. I know times are tough, believe me - my husband has been unemployed for over a year from construction - but really people, how far is this craziness going to go? Has this world gone mad? Do people, like cows, simply GO mad?
What craziness do I speak of, you ask?
Seems in just this year alone I have personally experienced and/or witnessed many negative human actions: theft and vandalism, people taking advantage of me - or my family - clearly for monetary reasons, lying, cheating, kick em while their down attitudes...just plain old disregard for fellow human beings with a 'take-all-you-can-get-regardless-of-who-you-hurt-in-the-process' approach. Where did basic conscience go? Does no one feel guilt anymore? Has everyone lost morals and scruples simply because times are tough and the economy is in the toilet? Apparently some have.
Frankly I'm so sick of this behavior I'm on the verge of liquidating my life as I know it and going into seclusion from society - living in the wilderness like a crazy mountain woman or something! (And I think I truly would IF I could still get internet access - as I can still deal with virtual people! ha)
What IS going on?
I know life ebbs and flows - and I've pretty much been flowing nicely since I simplified my life, living it authentically - and all would be peachy if I could stay within my cocoon of pureness that I've created - but alas, that is only a fantasy, as it seems society and I DO have to cross paths on occasion, and that usually means someone dragging me into unwanted drama of some sort - there is only so much of life you can control, I realize, and I do my best to keep drama and negativity out of my world, but boy, is it getting harder and harder!
Seems the 'good guy' truly does finish last in this day and age. My only recourse is to continue believing in karma, and that what goes around comes around...I surely hope it does...I HAVE to believe it does, or it would be almost impossible to face some recent days.
You know, I used to balk at blogs, not understanding who would want to write one or read others - and look at me now. Freedom of speech IS a beautiful thing, isn't it? At least we still have THAT! (for now anyways) An awesome way to connect and to vent. Thank you for allowing me to spew my emotions - if I couldn't I just might explode! I promise the clouds will lift eventually and I won't be such a 'Debbie-Downer', but for now I have to go with what I live and what I know...
Ok, back to the fight! I will not give up, I will NOT give up - good guys HAVE to win in the end! We just have to.
Again, thank you for stopping by and bending an ear! :)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Just How Far SHOULD A Mother's Loyalty Go?
I don't know about you, but in my book, liars and thieves are the scum of the earth.
But apparently not everyone follows this line of thinking.
So here's my question of the day: When is it WRONG to stand up for your child?
But first, a quick look into why I ask this question.
I won't bore you with the 'Jerry Springer' details, but let's just say our weekend was abruptly interrupted with vandalism and thievery of an extensive nature - Our Halloween display, which we've set up every year for the past ten years - without incident I might add - was violated beyond repair, with much of it stolen, on 3 separate occasions - 2 of which happened Saturday night. But luckily, much to the surprise of our criminals, we were poised and ready for them on the third attack, literally catching them in the act. Of course it turned out to be 3 older teens - high school seniors as we found out - using mommy's SUV as the getaway as we chased them down the street, memorizing the tag number.
Fast Forward: I'm the one (NOT the cops) that located said guilty party by way of fate, no less - pulling up behind the Jeep Cherokee at a stop sign in front of my house. BUSTED!
Police were called once again - 'altercations' between our families ensued, with the mother of the teen insisting her 'angelic football playing son' was innocent beyond doubt, not ever questioning him for the 'facts', and making it even worse by lying for him, posing as his alibi - and if that wasn't bad enough, she made US out to be the criminals for 'harassing and detaining' them on their property while awaiting the police. (Which by the way, she conveniently urged her son and his accomplices to leave before the police arrived because they had a 'movie' to catch.)
I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief! Was this for real?
Back in my day, I do believe my parents would agree the movie would wait, and my ass would be sitting there explaining my side of the story - first to the accusing neighbor, then to the police. I guarantee my parents would not of let me flee the scene - in the accused vehicle - to fulfill a movie date of all things! Well hello, apparently this mother does not 'parent' in that manner. Instead she stood her ground, calling us every name in the book and accusing us of harassment. Oh how times have changed! Is this what a loyal mother does?
Trust me, I know the pull of a 'mother's loyalty' as I have a 25 year old son myself. But I also know boys do stupid things - and my first priority was always to find out the truth, not to cover up for my guilty offspring. Just what is she teaching these young men? That you CAN do the crime and get away with it, if you just know how to work the system - Jerry Springer style? Well, apparently it works.
Sadly, I am more than aware of this protocol. In my experience with the police, they are 'johnny-on-the-spot' to bust you for something, but never there in the same way when you need their protection or justice. And they wonder why people take the law into their own hands! So of course this case quickly turned into a 'their word against yours' with the victim coming out short changed...hum. Once again 'the man' fails me. Why was I even surprised?
(Spoken like a true hippie, huh?) Uh, sorry, that's another post for another day...back to the question:
So again I ask, where DOES a mother's loyalty lie? Is it all about covering up for your child's behavior or is it about teaching your child right from wrong, even if it stings a little?
In my day the motto was simple: Don't do the crime if ya can't do the time. Where are our children heading if they never know this simple rule?
So to that 'mother' of which I speak of in my neighborhood - If you think you're doing your kid a favor now by covering up these petty shenanigans, what are you going to do when the crime involves something a little more serious, like a weapon or someone's life? And oh, when all the little kids ask why we are no longer putting on our yearly Halloween display, I'll give them your address and tell them to go ask the innocent football players.
But apparently not everyone follows this line of thinking.
So here's my question of the day: When is it WRONG to stand up for your child?
But first, a quick look into why I ask this question.
I won't bore you with the 'Jerry Springer' details, but let's just say our weekend was abruptly interrupted with vandalism and thievery of an extensive nature - Our Halloween display, which we've set up every year for the past ten years - without incident I might add - was violated beyond repair, with much of it stolen, on 3 separate occasions - 2 of which happened Saturday night. But luckily, much to the surprise of our criminals, we were poised and ready for them on the third attack, literally catching them in the act. Of course it turned out to be 3 older teens - high school seniors as we found out - using mommy's SUV as the getaway as we chased them down the street, memorizing the tag number.
Fast Forward: I'm the one (NOT the cops) that located said guilty party by way of fate, no less - pulling up behind the Jeep Cherokee at a stop sign in front of my house. BUSTED!
Police were called once again - 'altercations' between our families ensued, with the mother of the teen insisting her 'angelic football playing son' was innocent beyond doubt, not ever questioning him for the 'facts', and making it even worse by lying for him, posing as his alibi - and if that wasn't bad enough, she made US out to be the criminals for 'harassing and detaining' them on their property while awaiting the police. (Which by the way, she conveniently urged her son and his accomplices to leave before the police arrived because they had a 'movie' to catch.)
I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief! Was this for real?
Back in my day, I do believe my parents would agree the movie would wait, and my ass would be sitting there explaining my side of the story - first to the accusing neighbor, then to the police. I guarantee my parents would not of let me flee the scene - in the accused vehicle - to fulfill a movie date of all things! Well hello, apparently this mother does not 'parent' in that manner. Instead she stood her ground, calling us every name in the book and accusing us of harassment. Oh how times have changed! Is this what a loyal mother does?
Trust me, I know the pull of a 'mother's loyalty' as I have a 25 year old son myself. But I also know boys do stupid things - and my first priority was always to find out the truth, not to cover up for my guilty offspring. Just what is she teaching these young men? That you CAN do the crime and get away with it, if you just know how to work the system - Jerry Springer style? Well, apparently it works.
Sadly, I am more than aware of this protocol. In my experience with the police, they are 'johnny-on-the-spot' to bust you for something, but never there in the same way when you need their protection or justice. And they wonder why people take the law into their own hands! So of course this case quickly turned into a 'their word against yours' with the victim coming out short changed...hum. Once again 'the man' fails me. Why was I even surprised?
(Spoken like a true hippie, huh?) Uh, sorry, that's another post for another day...back to the question:
So again I ask, where DOES a mother's loyalty lie? Is it all about covering up for your child's behavior or is it about teaching your child right from wrong, even if it stings a little?
In my day the motto was simple: Don't do the crime if ya can't do the time. Where are our children heading if they never know this simple rule?
So to that 'mother' of which I speak of in my neighborhood - If you think you're doing your kid a favor now by covering up these petty shenanigans, what are you going to do when the crime involves something a little more serious, like a weapon or someone's life? And oh, when all the little kids ask why we are no longer putting on our yearly Halloween display, I'll give them your address and tell them to go ask the innocent football players.
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- Think Outside The Box~Get Your Indie On! Links to ...
- Has The World Truly Gone Mad?
- Just How Far SHOULD A Mother's Loyalty Go?